Everything You Need to Know about NuGenesis Powder Nails

Every Woman wants this – Lightweight and flexible nails, Low Maintenance, Natural process and Long lasting shine. But somehow you are not able to find these all qualities in one manicure process. 

What if We tell you there’s another alternative to your regular gel polish – Nugenesis dip powder color.

Dip powder has been around with us for ages, but it has burst into the scene since social media is booming and all these influencers promote dip powder nails.

Hence, a simple change from regular acrylic gel to dip powder can help you ensure the health of the nails and we will see how Nugenesis power dip will help you achieve that health and strength of your nails.

What do we mean by NuGenesis Powder Nails?

Nugenesis powder nails is another development in the nail industry, the Nugenesis plunging powder, is an alternative to customary acrylics and gel clean that requires more time and devices too (which can be not healthy for your nails). Hence Nugenesis provides a healthy solution to your nails.

You will be glad to experiment with this Nugenesis dip powder process and since nail dip powders are bursting into the scene because of the social media though they are been there since the ’90s, we would like to share with you some important benefits about why your next visit to the salon should be to do Nugenesis dip powder manicure.

Benefits of NuGenesis Dip Powder

Nugenesis powder nails is an organically processed powder that is non-toxic, odor free and air dries without your nails needing UV Lights (Which most of you are concerned about). 

Also, this powder system helps to strengthen your nails, as it contains a mixture of calcium + Vitamin E. This dipping powder is durable and can last over 3 weeks on average without chipping.  

This dipping powder will give your nails a natural look and feel so that you can wear them on regular days.

It promotes the health of the nails and helps your nails to grow longer. 

The process to apply NuGenesis Powder Nails

Start by shortening your nails to the desired length with the help of an electric nail file. You can remove the excess shell and nail shine with a sandpaper drum. Now, this is the time you apply Nugenesis prep liquid to the entire surface of your nails and allow it to air dry. 

Apply Base Gel to the entire fingernail surface. Remember to cover the area equally. Here, the best practice is to apply in back to forward motion. 

Now choose your favorite color and gently dip your nails into it and tap the excess powder.

(Tip: You can hold the product at an angle when slopping your nails into it, as this will help the color to spread across your nails nicely).

Do the previous steps 2 times, to be fully ensured that the color is placed nicely and apply Activator liquid to all fingernails. 

File around the shell area with the help of a nail machine and remove the bumps and give your nails a final shape. 

Finally, apply Nugenesis Finish Gel to all fingernails and allow it to air dry for around 2 minutes. 

After this, you are ready to rock your Nugenesis dip powder nails all day long.

How can you remove NuGenesis Nails?

Removing Nugenesis nails is really very simple just like how you remove your normal nail polish. Use cotton saturated with 100% acetone and apply cotton on fingernails and apply the foil to hold for a few minutes. After a few minutes, remove the foil and with the help of new cotton saturated with acetone remove the excess product.

NuGenesis Color Guide for you

It’s moderately simple when picking your desired tones, that you believe is best for you. Dip powder will suit your long nails and even if you are that person who has short nails, Fake nails are a good choice. 

Most Ladies just go with this blend of standard tones like red, black or blue. But when it comes to Nugenesis colors, you will have plenty of options to choose from. 

My ladies, forget about those dull and less original tones, opt for the ones that have a great tendency to trend throughout the universe. 

Nugenesis has numerous color options from the nude collection, fall Collection, Jelly dip powder collection, dip powder regular colors to dip powder sparkles, and also how can we forget about the whites and pinks dip powder. 

So depending upon your choice, whether you are a corporate woman who doesn’t like to go all fancy or a university girl, Nugenesis colors are for you. 

Select your favorite, and flaunt the streets.


I am sure after reading this article you must have gotten some knowledge and confidence about the Nugenesis dip nails and would be eager to go to the salon and try it out. You will love the way this dip powder will easily sit on your Nails without you being worried about the health of your nails. 

If you are someone who has encountered Nugenesis powder nails for the first time, we suggest you visit the salon, so that you don’t make any mistakes and misshapen your nails. 

Hope this article was of great value to you !!!