
Why Hara? The Naked Truth…

Did you know that skin actually is the largest organ of the body? In the average-sized person, the skin weighs over six pounds and covers over 2 square yards! In addition to providing us with a resilient protective barrier, the skin operates as an organ of elimination, helping the lungs, digestive system, and kidneys to escort toxins out of our systems. When you look at it that way, what you rub into your skin takes on a whole new level of importance! If its real job is to help you get chemicals and other toxins out of your body, why would you slather chemical-laden lotions or sunscreens into it? And there’s the rub (I know, that’s bad) — at this point it’s undeniable that the sun’s rays have somehow become more powerful. We all know folks who’ve sacrificed bits of themselves through various UV-induced skin cancers. It’s a high price to pay for spending time outside. If you love yourself just as you are, having a sunscreen habit is a really good thing. I am certain that more people would wear sunscreen — and thus live more happily and healthfully— if it didn’t sting, stink, and wash off too quickly in water! From this conviction, hara was born! Hara body care is designed to be a functional sunscreen for active people. It is waterproof, odorless, won’t sting your eyes or burn your skin, and has a non-greasy dry application so your tennis racket, golf club, Frisbee, paddle, bocce ball, or surf board won’t slip out of your grasp. I’m reminded of a friend of mine who came back from an outrigger canoe race across Lake Tahoe who said she set the stroke for the whole race with tears streaming down her face from sunscreen burn and didn’t see a thing the entire time. She was just grateful she wasn’t steering, since she was tearing… but if you ask me, that is not what “feel the burn” is supposed to mean!